James Doyle

James Doyle

Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
On leave Fall 2023
James Doyle

Research Interests: History of Philosophy, Plato, Philosophy of Action, and Philosophy of Mind

James Doyle received his BA from Cambridge University and his PhD from the University of Virginia. He has been lecturer and then senior lecturer in philosophy at the University of Bristol (1998-2011) and long-term Visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (2011-2015). He is interested in the history of philosophy, especially Plato, and in certain issues in the philosophy of action and mind. In 2018, he published No Morality, No Self, on G. E. M. Anscombe's papers 'Modern Moral Philosophy' and 'The First Person'. He is working on books on Plato's Gorgias, Augustine's Confessions and Anscombe's Intention

Contact Information

Emerson 314
p: 617-495-0518