The Harvard Review of Philosophy publishes Volume XXIX

October 12, 2022
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Volume XXIX of The Harvard Review of Philosophy is now available through the Philosophy Documentation Center. The Review's 29th volume, entitled "Philosophy and the Environment," features seven original contributions from leading environmental thinkers, as well as interviews with J. Baird Callicott, Holmes Rolston III, and Peter Singer.


The Harvard Review of Philosophy is a journal of professional philosophy published annually since 1991 and edited entirely by Harvard University undergraduates. Its pages have included work by and interviews with leading figures in contemporary philosophy, including Derek Parfit, Sir Karl Popper, Martha Nussbaum, W. V. Quine, Cornel West, John Rawls, Noam Chomsky, Peter Singer, Slavoj Žižek, Hilary Putnam, and Bernard Williams. Three books have been published featuring work from the pages of the Review. More information about the journal can be found at