Pauliina Rumm

Pauliina Rumm

Pauliina Rumm portrait
  • House: Eliot House
  • Concentration: Philosophy
  • Other concentrations considered: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Integrative Biology
  • Courses taken: Morality and the Good Life (PHIL 14), Epistemology (PHIL 156), Metaethics (PHIL 173), Fundamentals of Logic (PHIL 140), The Philosophy of Bernard Williams (PHIL 169W), Beyond Dualism: Descartes and His Critics (PHIL 125)
  • Thesis: Planning on writing one
  • Anything else: Before I discovered philosophy, I did mainly natural sciences, especially biology. As of now, I’m interested in a wide variety of topics, particularly those in metaphysics, epistemology, and metaethics. I would be happy to chat about any of this, as well as anything else related to specific courses and philosophy!

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